Getting AS9100 Certified in Atlanta, Georgia (GA)
AS9100 is an international specification defining specific criteria for the aircraft, space, and security industry in an aerospace quality management framework that needs to be met before applying for an ISO 9001-based quality management program. ISO 9001 is a quality management system that aims to provide the tools required to enhance productivity and customer service across all types of organizations. The latest Standard version is AS9100 Version D, released in September 2016.
All aerospace designers and vendors around the world are encouraged to receive AS9100 certification. AS9100 was designed for use by entities constructing, assembling, or providing aircraft, defense and space goods and services; and by entities carrying out any post-delivery activity, including the purchase of maintenance, materials or spare parts used for the company’s products and/or services. Like ISO 9001, AS9100 is process-based and stresses fulfilling national, statutory, and regulatory specifications.
AS9100 has been approved by the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), and certifications are issued by regulatory agencies of accredited information systems, such as The Registrar Service.

AS9100 is focused on how to help an organization:
- Determine the procedures needed to fulfill company requirements
- Determine how processes are executed and/or outsourced
- Determine the relationship between processes
- Demonstrate the productivity of the services used
Benefits of AS9100
- Effective distribution and utilization of the resources
- Greater efficiency and production
- Marketability strengthened
- Customer trust increased
- Service cost lowered
- Reducing waste
- Reduced company audits
- Improved efficiency, expense and production output by raising or replacing the organization’s special requirements
Approval process
Our highly qualified and experienced auditors stand at the peak of their profession, with years of auditing practice and business expertise. ISO Pros in Atlanta, Georgia (GA), auditors aim to reduce disruption while conducting audits and seek to fully understand your business in order to reveal opportunities for cost reduction, time-to-market reduction, and overall gains inefficiency.
The connection between AS9100 and ISO 9001
Like other specifications of the industry’s quality management program, AS9100 was developed and built to work alongside the current edition of ISO 9001, much like its preceding iterations. The two principles, when taken together, describe the quality control practices for all aerospace industries as a whole, from the most closely related firms to the multinational aerospace and defense organizations. For those working in aerospace industries, we work to standardize the production, delivery and supply of products and services. Thus the complementary nature of these standards means that any organization that seeks AS9100:2016 certification must first comply with ISO 9001.
What is ISO certification?
The ISO framework refers to quality assurance systems and is designed to assist businesses in ensuring that they satisfy the customer and other stakeholder expectations while coping with technological and regulatory requirements relevant to the product. ISO, the International Standardization Organization, creates recommendations that are made accessible by regional standards bodies. ISO addresses the fundamentals of quality assurance systems and the eight operational principles upon which the family of standards is centered. It describes the criteria that companies seeking to reach the standard would fulfill.
To be fully ISO certified, each facility is checked annually by an objective authority. Unless a company is told the “value and ISO plan,” they will not be audited and will not be granted a certificate showing compliance. The new ISO Standard also builds on the Continuous Improvements system. To meet the certification, an organization must be audited year after year for approval.